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It’s not easy to overcome an addiction. It takes a lot of work and effort, but the rewards are worth it: you get your life back. First, you need to understand what drugs or alcohol can do to your body and mind. Educate yourself on the effects of drugs and alcohol addiction. Next, you’ll need to stay motivated to stop using by surrounding yourself with people who support you. This article is about overcoming an addiction to drugs or alcohol with the steps listed below. If someone needs help overcoming an addiction, this will inspire them towards recovery.


Steps to Addiction Recovery

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  • Educate yourself on the effects of drugs and alcohol
  • Gather information from therapists and support groups.
  • Read educational materials such as books, articles online, etc. about drug abuse treatment and recovery.
  • Watch films or documentaries that involve drugs and alcohol use to help educate yourself on the topic. This is a good way to understand what addicts go through when they try to get clean.
  • Talk to addicts who have been successful in recovery and ask them about their experience with drugs or alcohol.
  • Listen to podcasts about drug addiction and its effects from speakers who are rehab therapists and seek treatment.
  • Watch YouTube videos on addiction, such as interviews with addicts who have been successful in recovery. This will help you understand what people go through when they are trying to get clean from drugs or alcohol.
  • Look up the effects of drugs and alcohol online at reputable medical sites (e.g., National Institute on Drug Abuse).


Stay motivated by surrounding yourself with people who support you

Join an online community specifically for addicts, such as Facebook groups (e.g., Overcoming Addiction or Recovering Addicts). This will help you stay motivated and connected to others who are overcoming the same challenges.

Join an exercise program to help you stay active and healthy, such as yoga or running a marathon. This will benefit your overall health and motivation levels.

Join a support group (online or in real life) to stay motivated and keep your mind occupied with positive things. This is also a good way to find new friends who can help you get through tough times.

Stay away from people and places that make you think about using drugs or alcohol.

Get counseling or therapy from someone who specializes in addiction recovery so they can coach you through the process. This includes checking on how you are often doing with drug tests to make sure that you don’t relapse. They will be able to identify triggers and help you stop using them before it is too late.


Avoid triggers that can cause you to relapse

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Avoid bars and parties where drugs may be present. Instead, find new hobbies and interests that help distract from the urge to use again. You don’t want them to influence or tempt you into trying again. If you do go to these places, maintain your distance from friends who use drugs. Avoid them and talk with others who support you.

Avoid people or places where people make a lot of drug use jokes. These can be stressful situations for addicts in recovery, so try to find new social circles. Prepare yourself with a plan of action if things get tough (e.g., having someone else around that can take you away from triggers). This could be a friend or family member who can support you. Don’t beat yourself up when you relapse. You don’t have to start over but try again in the future until you are able to stay sober for good.

Get rid of any objects that remind you of the substance abuse or activity

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Put away any alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes in a safe place. Place them in a bag and put this away. Place the objects where you can’t see them anymore such as in your garage or basement. If they are still visible, then place something over top of these items that will cover them up. This way you won’t be tempted to look at it and want to use it again.

Put the alcohol bottles in a box and place them in the back of your garage.

Take pictures of the alcohol bottles or any other items that you have to remind yourself why they are not good for you. These will be helpful if temptations arise again later on down the road. You can also use these as reminders when things get tough so you don’t relapse.

Throw away the alcohol bottles in a garbage bag and place them outside for collection. This way you won’t even be tempted to look at them again.

Place reminders of your goals (e.g., pictures, paintings, posters) around your home that will motivate you when things get tough. These can also serve as a great reminder of why you are doing this in the first place.

If there is alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs still present at your home, then move out. You can live somewhere else for a while until it’s all gone and you feel comfortable coming back to your own house again. This way nothing will be able to tempt you into using again.

Make sure all your bills are up to date and pay them on time. This is important because you don’t want any consequences of not paying something like getting evicted from where you live or having bad credit ratings.


Change your routine: This is a crucial step because you need to establish new routines and habits

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  • Make a list of the activities that you used to do when you were using, and come up with new ones.
  • Try different hobbies. This can be anything from sports to music or even cooking. If there is something that interests you then try it out because this could really help distract from your urges. You will make memories and feel better in the long run.
  • Find a job and work it. This will be beneficial for you because having structure can really help with sobriety. You don’t want to get bored so find something that keeps you busy throughout your days/weeks. If there aren’t any jobs available at this moment, then look online or through the newspaper to find something.
  • Get a workout partner. This can be someone who is in addiction recovery as well or just someone you know that likes working out too. Working out together will give you both support and motivation when it gets tough. You don’t want to let each other down so pushing one another should help with staying sober.
  • If you have a family, then try and spend some time with them. It can be really tough to stay sober if your friends or family members are still using drugs/alcohol. This is why it’s important that you take the first step by leaving those people behind because they will only bring you down. Spend some quality time bonding with your family and making memories together.
  • If you don’t have a job or schedule, then try making one. This can be anything from waking up at certain times in the morning to go work out before starting your day, or having specific days off of drinking/using (e.g., Mondays). With time this should help with your routine, and you will see that not drinking/using is possible when having structure in your day-to-day lives.
  • If you are bored, then try out different hobbies. This can be anything from exercising to cooking or baking something yummy for yourself.


Stay positive by staying away from negative people and situations

Multiracial couple having conflict on street

  • Surround yourself with people that have the same goals as you and want to stay sober. If there are other addicts in your family, then it’s important that they support this decision because if not, things can go south quickly.
  • Stay away from places where alcohol is served (e.g., bars, restaurants). You don’t want to be tempted and end up relapsing.
  • Don’t post anything on social media like “party time” or drinking memes because you don’t want this information out there for people who may know about your addiction struggles. This way it’s easier for you to stay sober as well as prevent any bad blood with those that love/care about you.
  • Don’t make any promises to people about drinking/using because you don’t want false hope for them and yourself. You can tell friends that may be pressuring you, but make sure it’s in a nice way, so they understand your point of view.
  • If there are certain places where you used to go when using (e.g., bars, clubs), then avoid them. This way it’s harder for you to relapse and should help with staying sober/avoiding temptation.
  • If there are certain people that make things difficult (e.g., your friends who still use drugs/alcohol), then cut the contact with them because they will only bring negativity into your life.
  • Set a good example for yourself by staying sober. You don’t want to give in to peer pressure or end up back where you started, so do your best to stay away from this situation as much as possible.
  • If you are feeling down, then find someone to talk about it with. This can be a family member or friend that understands your struggles and wants to help in any way possible.
  • Listen to music when having cravings because this will help distract you from them. You want songs that make you feel good while listening to them.


Improve your overall lifestyle with proper diet, exercise, sleep schedule, etc.

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  • Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep. You need at least eight hours each night so that your body has time to rest and recover.
  • Try making a healthy diet plan for yourself because this can be hard without knowing what foods are good/bad while trying to get clean from the drugs/alcohol.
  • If you have a gym membership, then try and use it. You can work out in the morning or during certain parts of your day to keep active and build up a sweat.
  • Try meditating for at least five minutes daily because this is great when trying to control addictions such as drugs/alcohol. It has been shown that meditation helps with stress levels and overall well-being.
  • Try exercising at least three times a week for some cardio and strength training to build muscle. This is important when trying to stay healthy while recovering from addiction because it will help with your mood, energy levels, etc…
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day because this helps hydrate your body which in turn helps with a lot of things such as your skin, organs, etc…
  • Stay away from fast food because it is junk and can eventually lead to weight gain which isn’t good for anyone. If you are craving something then try making healthy alternatives that will satisfy those cravings.
  • Try not to drink caffeine after noon if possible because it can disrupt your sleep schedule. This is important to help you get the proper amount of sleep each night so that your body has time to recover from all of its stressors.
  • Try and stay away from people who use drugs/alcohol because they will only bring negative things into your life which in return may lead you back down a dark path.


Look into various types of treatments such as therapy, rehab centers, or self-help books about overcoming addiction

Woman Getting a Check-up

Therapy sessions help you to talk about things that may be difficult for you. This helps with getting the proper support needed while trying to get clean/stay sober. Rehab centers are great if it’s your first time because they will teach you everything there is to know about addiction and how to overcome them. They also give various types of therapies that will help with your mental health and addiction. Some self-help books can be helpful when it comes to overcoming the addiction because they are written by people who have been through this before. You don’t want advice from someone who has never tried drugs/alcohol or is not in recovery, so reading their story could give you the motivation to get clean/stay sober.


Get help for your addiction by finding a support group you like

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It is important to find a substance abuse treatment center close to home with the types of therapies/activities you are looking for because this will make it easier for everyone involved. You want something which not only helps with overcoming drug or alcohol abuse but also helps you become a better person overall. Try and get involved with the community around your residence because this will make it easier to connect with people going through similar experiences as yourself. It is important that these people understand what you’re going through, which can motivate them, even more, when they see how far you’ve come.

Try and get involved with church/religious groups because this is a great way to stay on the right path. It can also motivate you more when someone of higher power believes in your recovery process. Check into programs offered at schools or workplaces that may help you come up with ideas for overcoming addiction while still staying sober.


By staying motivated, inspired, and having the right plan of action you can overcome an addiction to drugs or alcohol

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  • Remember that you can get through this. You have the strength inside of yourself to overcome an addiction, so just hold on for as long as possible.
  • Meditation helps with stress levels which in turn helps with focusing on the positive things in life instead of always thinking about your past mistakes.
  • Try and surround yourself with people who aren’t drug addicts because this will not only motivate you but also give them a good role model to look up to. If they see how far you’ve come then it can inspire them as well to get clean/stay sober.
  • Try not to drink caffeine after 12 because it can interfere with your sleep schedule. This is important for getting the proper amount of sleep each night so that you have time to recover from all of life’s stressors.
  • Therapy sessions help you talk about things that may be difficult for you, but this is a great way to get the proper support needed while trying to overcome this addiction.
  • Rehab centers are great if it’s your first time because they will teach you everything there is to know about addiction and how to overcome them. They also give various types of therapies that help with mental health as well as overcoming an addiction.


The final step for overcoming addiction is finding a treatment plan which works for you, no matter what it takes

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There are many benefits of doing so because you will be able to live your life without drugs or alcohol once again. This will allow you to feel better about yourself and focus on enjoying life without having drugs or alcohol in the picture. The treatment provider should create a treatment plan tailored to your individual needs to be more effective when trying to overcome addiction. Addiction treatment centers are a great starting point because they offer therapies that can help addicts with their addiction. Many addiction treatment services offer different therapies which can include one on one therapy with a therapist, group therapy sessions, and even family therapy during the recovery process. Therapy is great for addicts because it allows them to discuss their issues without feeling judged or embarrassed about what they are talking about. This makes overcoming addiction easier when you can get everything out in the open.



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When trying to overcome alcohol and drug addiction, it is important to keep a positive mindset and take one day at a time. Focusing on staying sober, motivated, and inspired will help you come out of this stronger than ever before. Remember that you have the strength inside yourself which can be used as fuel for overcoming an addiction and substance use disorder so just hold on for as long as possible. Remember that this will be a difficult journey but one worth taking on. You will be able to live without drugs or alcohol once again, allowing you to focus on the good things in life rather than using all of your time and energy on getting high/drunk.