referral info

Referral Options

Admission Requirements

Case Support

Discharge Planning

Referral Options

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Admission Requirements

To admit into the program a Resident must have a referral from a Behavioral Health Provider that expresses the need for Level 3 Behavioral Health Residential Facility care. 

If the Resident has the following documents they are suggested but not required (should the resident not have them they will be obtained in the first week in the program):


  1. A Psych Evaluation completed in the last year that has behavioral health needs as the main issue and with a recommendation of BHRF level of care. 
  2. . A valid negative tuberculosis test.
  3.  A physical completed in the last year
  4. A negative COVID test or proof of vaccination.

Case Support

We strive to build a healthy community for the Residents. We desire the clients to connect with their case managers (TRBHA/HOME HEALTH) to build healthy supports and build a successful discharge. 

As a team we wish to establish a routine of monthly staffing’s to prep for the discharge of the resident, allowing all parties that will support the resident to contribute and connect.  

Discharge Planning

Residents are discharging and here at DHR we want to see them discharge with great success.

The following  supports will be provided for next steps:


  • Sober living options
  • Educational Support
  • Employment Support
  • Resource Support (material item needs)