What is Loneliness?

Loneliness is a feeling of emotional pain and social isolation, having nobody around you who wants to be with you. Loneliness is the opposite of being surrounded by people who care about you. If someone lives alone, then they will feel lonely because there is no one else in their life who cares whether they live or die (apart from family members but not always).

Loneliness is caused by a lack of social interactions and the resulting feeling of being rejected or abandoned by society. If you have no friends, then you will often feel lonely. This is because people with no friends are more exposed to rejection from society, and hence they feel alone in a crowd. People who do not go out very much are also at risk of being lonely because they have fewer interactions with society.

People do not have to be physically isolated to feel lonely. You can also feel lonely when you are surrounded by people who avoid interacting with you. This is why it is important to get out there and start conversations rather than burying your head in books.

Loneliness is a sad feeling that makes us feel depressed, anxious, worried, and tired. People can feel suicidal because of loneliness. Loneliness makes people more likely to rely on drugs and alcohol to cope with the pain that it inflicts upon them. Loneliness causes many problems that lead to suffering and unhappiness.

Loneliness is not a good thing because it makes us feel bad about ourselves and it robs us of happiness. We need contact with other people to be happy, as well as to socialize and build an identity.

How do you deal with loneliness?

According to a study by the non-profit organization Health Survey for England, adults who have a close friend they could discuss serious matters with are 50% more likely to report good physical health and mental health than those who have no close friends or acquaintances. If you have friends, then you will feel much better because they make you happy and satisfied with your life. Your friendships do not even need to be deep in order for them to make a difference – they just need to be there.

Unlike sadness, loneliness is not caused by something specific in our lives. It’s just the result of being alone, without any connection to others. That’s why it can happen to anyone at any time, even when surrounded by people or with our loved ones.

Loneliness is like a constant longing for company, which can take many forms: friendship, love, or family ties. Loneliness isn’t a reason for us to despair or hate ourselves; it’s just an emotion that needs to be understood and accepted. Even if you don’t know exactly why you’re feeling lonely, it’s important to remember that your sadness won’t last forever.

Loneliness can lead us to feel, think and do things that make the problem worse.

  • It’s easy to isolate yourself when you’re lonely, but it only makes things worse. Try not to spend hours alone at home, doing nothing. If you don’t want or can’t go out sometimes, try other activities such as reading, drawing, or listening to music. Or try calling up somebody you know and ask them if they want to talk.
  • Lots of people turn to alcohol to forget their loneliness for a while; however, this is not the best way out. Alcohol makes us feel less lonely when we drink, but once the effect wears off, the problem comes back even worse than before. Alcohol also makes us say and do foolish things which we later regret.
  • We often try to escape our loneliness with endless conversations on the phone or through messages, but this doesn’t work either. If you have nobody around you, it helps to talk about your feelings with someone who is not involved in your life. A friend, family member, or professional counselor, for example.

Take note:

  • You can also feel lonely when you are surrounded by people who avoid interacting with you. This is why it is important to get out there and start conversations rather than burying your head in books.
  • Moreover, you do not have to be physically isolated to feel lonely.
  • Loneliness is a sad feeling that makes us feel depressed, anxious, worried, and tired. People can feel suicidal because of loneliness.
  • However, it’s important to remember that your sadness won’t last forever.
  • Loneliness is not a good thing because it makes us feel bad about ourselves and it robs us of happiness. We need contact with other people to be happy, as well as to socialize and building an identity.
  • Being lonely limits who we can talk to and puts constraints on our lives.

How can you deal with loneliness without resorting to drugs and alcohol?

Withdrawal symptoms from alcohol and drugs can be extremely unpleasant, and in some cases, dangerous. When we feel lonely, the first thing that comes to our mind is getting out of this situation as quickly as possible. We try talking to people on social networks, or we meet friends to watch a movie or go out on the town. In the short term, this behavior helps us feel better and escape from our feelings of uselessness and self-pity.

However, in most cases, we end up feeling even more sad and dissatisfied with ourselves than before. That’s because loneliness doesn’t necessarily require an explanation. It’s just a feeling that accompanies us our entire lives.

Withdrawal symptoms from alcohol and drugs can be extremely unpleasant and in some cases, dangerous. If you’re struggling with loneliness, there are far healthier coping mechanisms you can turn to. Here are a few suggestions:

So, how can you deal with loneliness without resorting to substance abuse?

1. Understand why you’re feeling lonely

If you pay close attention, you’ll notice certain triggers for your loneliness in daily life. For example, when we feel left out at work or school or when we don’t have any close friends.

2. Find new interests and hobbies in your free time

One way to deal with loneliness is by developing new passions in your free time, which can help you feel less isolated in the long run. For example, instead of watching TV all day on Saturday, why not pick up that guitar you’ve had in the back of your closet, or take a class on ballroom dancing?

3. Stop dwelling so much on what’s gone wrong

If you take a closer look at why you feel lonely, you’ll discover that it has something to do with your thoughts and beliefs. For example, if you think nobody deserves to be your friend, then you’re bound to feel lonely all the time.

4. Be kind to yourself

Everyone feels lonely once in a while, but that won’t last forever. You can help yourself out by not being so hard on yourself when you feel down. For example, if I have an argument with my partner and start thinking my relationship is a bad idea, I tell myself that a lot of couples have gone through the same thing and they’re still together.

5. Learn to recognize when you’re pushing people away

In some cases, we can be so needy that other people start avoiding us. Maybe your girlfriend isn’t as interested as she used to be, or maybe your friends don’t call you as much anymore. If this is happening to you, try talking with them and see if you can come up with a solution together.

6. Let your loved ones know how they can help you out

If you still feel lonely, it may be time to open up about the problem with people close to you. For example, if you don’t have many friends, you can ask your sister to arrange a girls’ night out with her and some of their friends. Or maybe it’s time to set up that dinner date with the guy from work who always makes you laugh.

7. Express yourself through arts and culture

Finally, another way of dealing with feelings of loneliness is by taking part in artistic activities and creative projects. For example, I like to write songs, go to art galleries and see some live shows now and then.

8. Keep busy all the time

Some people try to keep themselves busy all the time to avoid feeling lonely. That’s why they take on multiple projects at work or go out almost every night of the week. But this kind of behavior can also become an active addiction. Try doing something else for a change, like taking up yoga or learning how to cook.

9. Recognize the difference between loneliness and social anxiety

If you have a tendency to isolate yourself from others, then you may suffer from feelings of anxiety in public places. If this is your case, you mustn’t stagnate in an environment that doesn’t make you feel at ease. Try taking some dance classes or join a sports club, so you can learn to enjoy these spaces.

10. Connect with your roots and explore your personal history with your past.

For example, I used to play guitar in a rock band when I was younger, which is why it’s nice for me to take that instrument out of the closet now and then.


Loneliness and drug addiction can be overcome depending on the situation and recovery process; sometimes, we forget to appreciate what we have and look for comfort in the wrong places.

That’s why it may help to remember where we came from and acknowledge our roots as part of a community. For example, you could ask your parents for some old photos or speak with someone who grew up at the same time as you.

Last but not least, if you come from traditional family background, it may be more difficult for you to adjust to the more individualized culture of modern times. That’s why some people develop feelings of loneliness when they move away from their parent’s homes.

If you have this problem, you can always go back home for a few days so you could learn to appreciate the comfort of your old room.

If you’re feeling lonely right now, you may think that turning to drugs and alcohol is the only way to escape your feelings of isolation. However, it isn’t the only option you have when it comes to dealing with loneliness. You can choose to be proactive and fight it head-on without resorting to drugs or alcohol.

Loneliness is a mental health disorder that can affect anyone, regardless of their age or background. But don’t be discouraged if you think you’re the only one suffering from this problem – look for support and let your loved ones know how they can help you out. It may take some time before you develop a strong sense of self-worth, but it’s also one of the greatest achievements in healthy interpersonal relationships


Addiction treatment can help you find a balance between being isolated and being in a group. You can combat loneliness by joining a support group or a meet-up. It may be difficult at first, but you’ll quickly find that it’s extremely rewarding and that there are plenty of people out there just like you.

Lonely people tend to isolate themselves and turn to drugs and alcohol as a means of coping with this problem. But, to get rid of this type of behavior pattern, it is important that we find alternative ways of dealing with our feelings of loneliness.

If you feel like your social anxiety prevents you from enjoying public places, then don’t hesitate to take some dance classes or join a sports club. You can also explore your past and connect with people who grew up at the same time as you did. Waiting for the perfect time to deal with loneliness is not an option. If you’re currently experiencing feelings of isolation, then take a step forward and find a suitable way to combat this problem.

The addiction recovery process or addiction recovery program can be soothed with the help of family members and treatment centers. Chronic Loneliness plays a huge part in most addiction cases, but it is something that can be dealt with by joining a supportive community or taking up a new hobby. A healthy support system is the best way to overcome loneliness, so make an effort to spend quality time with loved ones who give you unconditional support.